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ACT - Aviation Consulting Technicians


About US

ACT - Aviation Consulting is a company headquartered in Miami USA, and subsidiary in São Paulo, Brazil, specialized in Aviation Consulting Services worldwide.

We are expert in providing dependable aviation consulting, particularly in documentation for Aircraft, and with availability to work all over the world.

The objective of ACT – Aviation Consulting  is just provide the support for Aircraft Leasing Management, Aircraft Purchase Inspection, Aircraft Maintenance Records Audit, Aircraft Records Digitalization, Engine Fleet Management, Aircraft Maintenance Records Control

Aircraft Records Audit

"TECHNICAL RECORDS AUDIT the airworthiness of an airplane can be verified through the papers, so the dirty fingers print, the DFPs will be carefully examined, therefore, you can be sure that our information assurance is dependable"

"Aircraft Acceptance, Aircraft Delivery or Aircraft Redelivery inspections need to be performed to verify if the aircraft and components are in accordance with the agreement request."

"We  have developed a reliable strategy which allows the leasing agreement to be all over accomplished...."

"Our Aircraft Management Control turns the  reliability a reality, and  makes it possible to maximize the airplanes availability...."

"We perform impartial, and effective aircraft purchase inspection which is always reflected in a reliable Aircraft Inspection Report"

"Our specialized technical team is available to provide reliable management services to commercial and private aircraft, as well as, to engine fleet around the world."

 " Our Aircraft Records Scanning mobile team is experienced, so you can get all your records, easily scanned, stored, organised and easy to find"

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United State (1) 786 625-3165

Brazil (55 11) 97123-6007

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