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Aircraft Transition Management

Annual/Mid Term Review

On-site Representation during Maintenance 


- Maintenance Management:


ACT Aviation Consulting can provide aircraft fleet management through a remote control which consider all components fitted in the airplanes, as well as, the LLPs, this management control aims to maximize the airplane availability, and assure a continued airworthiness.



- Lease Management:

ACT Aviation Consulting to assure airworthiness requirements, keeps a reliable follow-up process which allows the leasing agreement to be respected in all extension, and this purpose is achieved through the accomplishment of the Annual / Mid-Year Review Inspections,  to verify previously if  aircraft leasing agreement,  is going on, or  if any deviation was found, in case of finding discrepancies the correction must be done  in a previously, and reasonable time.
It is important to say that the efficiency of a delivery / redelivery audit process can determine the difference between profits or losses for an airline, or even for the lessor.

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